On Friday, 31 January 2025, the European Commission opened a consultation on energy infrastructure projects in the context of the Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E).
The aim is to obtain the status of Project of Common Interest (PCI) or Project of Mutual Interest (PMI), as defined under the TEN-E Regulation (EU/2022/869). The consultation covers candidates in all energy infrastructure categories and is open for contributions until Friday 25 April 2025.
Project promoters submitted their project proposals for electricity (including offshore) transmission and storage infrastructure, hydrogen and electrolysers, smart electricity grids, smart gas grids and carbon dioxide (CO2) networks.
They were submitted to the respective European Network for Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and for Gas (ENTSOG) or the European Commission. The assessment will be carried out by Regional Groups consisting of a number of stakeholders based on general and specific criteria as defined in the TEN-E Regulation.
The aim of the consultation is to invite stakeholders and members of the public to share their views on the candidate projects, which will subsequently be presented to the regional groups for assessment.
This assessment by the regional groups and thematic areas will be carried out in the first half year of 2025 with a perspective to adopt the 7th Union list of PCIs and PMIs by the end of 2025.
How to submit your contribution
The Commission welcomes feedback from stakeholders and the public through the dedicated online questionnaires available on the consultation page.
Shortly after the end of the consultation period, a report summarizing the contributions will be made available.
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