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Pledge to make cervical screening more accessible

A wellbeing team has pledged to make cervical screening tests more accessible to “higher risk women”.

According to a report from the Hertfordshire Health and Wellbeing Board, not enough women have taken advantage of the NHS cervical screening programme.

The report said the proportion of cancer screening coverage in 2023 for women aged 25 to 49 in Hertfordshire was 71%.

It said that proportion was higher than the 66% rate recorded in England, but “below the national acceptable standard” of 80% uptake.

Cervical screening tests are offered to those aged 25 to 64 and checks the health of the cervix for any abnormal changes and identify cancer cells early.

Hertfordshire County Council is expected to explore further opportunities to increase the number of “opportunistic” cervical screenings taking place in Hertfordshire’s Specialist Sexual Health Services.

The board said it would particularly focus on women who were not registered with a GP.

“There are opportunities to explore expanding the delivery of opportunistic cervical screening to ensure that higher risk women, who are not registered with a GP, have access to a cervical screening whilst receiving other sexual health support,” the report said.

“HCC are in discussion with NHS England regarding the contracting of this additional work.”

The screening data was included in a report on women’s health across the Hertfordshire and West Essex ICS, that focussed on work to establish women’s health hubs.

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