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Man guilty of Holly Willoughby kidnap and murder plot

5 minutes ago

By Lewis AdamsLaura FosterBBC News, at Chelmsford Crown Court

Getty Images Holly Willoughby at the National Television AwardsGetty Images

A security guard has been found guilty of plotting to kidnap, rape and murder television presenter Holly Willoughby.

Gavin Plumb assembled a tool kit for highly sexualised violence against the former This Morning presenter to fulfil his “ultimate fantasy”.

The 37-year-old from Harlow, Essex, was arrested and charged after he unwittingly disclosed his plans online to an undercover police officer in the US.

Plumb denied soliciting murder and inciting kidnap and rape between 2021 and 2023, but has been found guilty following an eight-day trial at Chelmsford Crown Court.

The defendant wept in the dock as he was told he would be sentenced on 12 July.

Det Ch Insp Greg Wood, of Essex Police, told the BBC that Plumb was an “obsessive loner” who had assembled “all the items he needed to cause Holly Willoughby some serious harm”.

“If the American officer hadn’t have contacted us… I’ve got no doubt that Gavin Plumb could’ve gone on to commit some really horrific crimes,” he added.

Essex Police Custody image of Gavin PlumbEssex Police

Ms Willoughby ended her 14-year stint on This Morning after the offences came to light in October 2023.

The trial heard Plumb had assembled a tool kit to commit sexual violence against the presenter between 2021 and 2023.

He had developed an “obsession” with Ms Willoughby spanning more than 10 years, prosecutor Alison Morgan KC said.

Plumb had a “real intention” to kidnap the broadcaster from her home, “take her to a location where she would be raped repeatedly” and then murder her, Ms Morgan continued.

Jurors were told that Plumb was arrested after he revealed his plot to an undercover police officer from the US, who he had been talking to online.

Ms Morgan said Plumb had initially outlined his plan to a man known only as Marc in 2021.

A message sent by the defendant to Marc read: “I’m going to be living out my ultimate fantasy.”

He then added: “I’m now at the point that fantasy isn’t enough anymore. I want the real thing.”

Plotted ‘unspeakable violence’

Nicola Rice, specialist prosecutor at the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), said Plumb’s plan was “chilling”.

“Gavin Plumb is a dangerous man who plotted unspeakable violence against one of the nation’s most familiar faces,” she said.

“Despite his attempts to pass himself off as a harmless fantasist, the prosecution persuaded the jury that Plumb posed a very real threat.”

Plumb purchased 400 “heavy duty” metal cable ties online as part of his plot, as well as bottles purported to contain chloroform, the trial heard.

CPS Inside Gavin Plumb's flatCPS

A voice note sent from Plumb to Marc in March 2023 detailed how they would “hit it” at night so there would be less traffic.

“Chloroform both of them [Ms Willoughby and her husband] that way then they can both be easily restrained,” he said.

“We’re then gonna force her to make a video saying she come with us under her own free will… and she’s fully consenting to everything we do to her – so that covers us.”

Giving evidence during the trial, Plumb admitted messages he sent online about the presenter were “dark” but there was “no plan” to carry them out.

He said that, with hindsight, his words were “massively regrettable” and acting upon his fantasies was “something I knew that was never going to happen”.

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