
Tory election volunteer attacked on doorstep

By Caroline Gall, BBC News, West Midlands

Shropshire Council

An election agent for a Conservative parliamentary candidate has been assaulted while out canvasing.

Councillor Garry Burchett was set upon in Ford, in Shropshire, while door knocking and delivering leaflets, Tory candidate Daniel Kawczynski said.

He added Mr Burchett was hit several times by a man and suffered black eyes and a suspected broken nose.

West Mercia Police said it was investigating reports of an assault in West View on Thursday morning.

A nearby resident told BBC Radio Shropshire he heard a commotion and went outside to see them “rolling around” by some wheelie bins after the householder had “taken umbrage” at the leaflets.

UK Parliament

He said he heard the man shout: “Why have you put these through my door?”

Mr Burchett and a female volunteer, who was in tears, were helped by a neighbour who took them inside, he added.

Mr Kawczynski said it was the first time he had not been out door knocking with his team and was “angry” at what had happened.

He said he had taken his agent to Monkmoor Police Station to make a statement.

Mr Kawczynski added that he had been targeted himself in the past, with petrol poured through his letterbox and set alight, as well as excrement posted on to his doormat.

“But, this is what’s happening. This is what I’m so fearful about,” he said.

“He’s just doing his job, delivering leaflets.”

A full list of candidates standing in the Shrewsbury constituency is available on the BBC site.

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