
HSBC and Nationwide hit by banking glitches

Customers of HSBC and Nationwide have been hit by glitches affecting their banking services.

HSBC said it was aware that customers were “having issues accessing personal online and mobile banking”.

Nationwide said on X that some customers had not received salary payments. Virgin Money reported similar problems earlier on Friday, but said they have since been resolved.

HSBC and Nationwide have been contacted for further comment.

HSBC said on X: “Our IT teams are working hard to get these services back to normal. You can still authorise online card purchases via SMS.”

The bank added that it was “really sorry” about the issue.

In response to frustrated customers replying to the post, the bank said understood their frustrations and that it is “working hard on a fix”.

“Once we have more information, we will provide an update on our social media pages.”

Many customers said physical branch closures meant they now had little or no access to services.

Meanwhile, Nationwide confirmed it too was facing issues in response to complaints to its X account.

“We’ve been made aware that some customers haven’t received their salary payments this morning. We are working to fix this as soon as possible.”

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